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                Shepherd's origin

                Guangzhou JiMu livestock husbandry will be through the independent research and development of a full range of pig equipment, with first-class sales team and brand marketing strategy and after-sales service, through the line under the integration of new retail mode, will quickly become the domestic industry standard-setting, and among the high-end, leading pig equipment brand ranks. Animal husbandry Stephen adhere to innovation as the enterprise-oriented......



                Advantage to show

                Focusing on Specialty, making breeding simpler and creating a New International Ecological Circle


                Shepherd news


                Musyder partner--Debao Agriculture and animal husbandry
                Musyder partner--ZHENGDA Group
                Musyder Partner--Yangxiang food
                Musyder Partners--two business group
                Musyder Partner--Melco agriculture and animal husbandry
                Musyder Partner--Food of origin
                Musyder Partner--New big animal husbandry
                Musyder Partner--Tang God
                Musyder Partner----State group
                Musyder Partner--Yi-Fat Animal husbandry
                Musyder Partner--Guangdong reclamation
                Musyder Partner--Wen Group
                Musyder Partner--Fast big feed
                Musyder Partner--Guang San Bao
                Musyder Partner--Guangdong Dexing
                Musyder Partner--undistracted shares
                Musyder Partner--Tin bang food
                Musyder Partner--Wo Fung Husbandry
                Musyder Partner-COFCO Group
                Musyder Partner-Candars