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                Location:Home > Company origin

                Company origin

                musyder  logo

                This day, I came

                Yes, December 18, I came, with my team, my ideal, my mission, came to the animal husbandry, this day, we officially external voice,Musyder came!

                My mission

                Gather the profession, let breed more simple, create the International new ecological Circle!

                Please remember my name

                I have a unique name-"Musyder"-Pastoral, I hope in the animal husbandry deep, let the breeding equipment become the next luminous point, the sky will drop to the people also, I hope to become that person, morality , regardless of the person or do business, must be based on virtue, can go farther. I use my own unique name, to the industry voice, and firmly their goal: "To become animal husbandry equipment standards-makers", while carrying the dream and mission of the pastor.

                Please remember my name

                Why am I here?

                See irregular products flooded the market, and users can only be tacitly accepted; see good products can not be used to the best, and users can only shake his head to lie in the corner ... I feel more sad than the user. This industry tradition is too long, long enough for everyone to think of this final form. The birth of the Internet is not better to solve these problems, but let a large number of substandard products to enter the market at low prices, profligate farmers trust. Because of our social responsibility and concern for the ecological environment of animal husbandry, I do not ask everyone to understand us, but hope that we can provide a new biosphere for all the participants in this industry. I always adhere to the fulfilment of the mission, the journey.

                Why am I here?

                This industry, let me excited because there are too many problems arise, let me have the impulse to change the rules. I have no ability to change the world, but I can change the way I serve, change the sales radius. Believe that after our efforts, so that users no longer worry about quality, enjoy more services. Pastoral Stephen is not only a salesman, but a catalyst, even if only forward 1%. Let me more excited, many powerful channels across the country and the pastoral Stephen reached a strategic cooperative relationship, the heart is very grateful, but also can not disappoint the trust of each participant. Because of trust, in the future, we firmly believe that we will not bear the mission, for the development of livestock industry to contribute value for the user to create value, to create a new international ecological circle!

                Why am I here?

                The early stage of Internet electric power business needs the rapid development power, the latter need clear direction of continuous explosive force, short-term benefits and late continuous performance needs a correct combination of market direction, and the direction is not only to see themselves, and all of our team partners have seen, a team if the sight of the ground is too shallow, It's just a superficial thing, that must be hard to thin hair, and this is the brand accumulation, precipitation and deep, and the accumulation of the brand must be systematic understanding of "quality, experience, service", quality, we are multi-directional screening to customers to ensure that the selection of raw materials, supplier comparison, product pig farm detection, It is also a guarantee for our platform. Experience, products before use, in use and after the use of multi-directional to the customer experience feeling. Service, a good platform, so that more good products as far as possible to push to the customer, service good customers, so that more customers really are using a good product.

                I focus

                Musyder Focus on pig farming equipment! is a company specializing in animal husbandry equipment research and development, sales and service of integrated service companies, specializing in the integration of domestic and foreign fine animal husbandry equipment, service in the whole animal husbandry industry, attentively focus on users, and truly serve as the first farmers.

                Musyder Focus on pig farming equipment!

                "Musyder" use the Internet and offline at the same time, "integration, research and development, testing, sales, distribution, after-sale" integration of services. Multi-channel integration of domestic and foreign fine animal husbandry equipment, the provincial branch of the scale of service network to participate in the product line trial test, with the product development and improvement, strategic signing of the National Branch partners, the entire network of multiple platforms, offline multiple outlets sales, sold products by the nearest provincial capital service outlets issued, Ensure the timeliness of logistics and product after-sale protection, in the continuous optimization process to ensure the ultimate interests of users!

                I'm tired, but I'm happy.

                A new thing arises, it must undergo a difficult process. With you, I believe that Musyder can become the industry leader, adhere to innovation for enterprise-oriented, quality as the lifeblood of the enterprise, and steadily to the domestic and foreign markets, leading more people to participate in, so that more users benefit. And Musyder will always adhere to their mission: "Focus on the professional, so that more simple farming, to create a new international ecological circle!" 

                I'm tired, but I'm happy.