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                Location:Home > Serve

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                We will respond to your email within 24 hours



                Thank you for coming to the MUSYDER, if you have intention to cooperate, please use the following message or contact us, we will reply you as soon as possible, and to provide you with the most sincere service, thank you.

                7*24 hours customer service call


                Mobile phone Hotline



                Address:Guangzhou City, Tianhe District Ke Mulang Road No. 25

                Sweep the code

                Guangzhou City, Tianhe District Ke Mulang Road No. 25

                If you want to visit integrity, there are the following modes of transportation to choose from:
                Bus route: Nearby there are 494 road, 494A Road, 497 Road, 564 Road, 535 road, etc. can arrive \"long hair factory also name Guang Shan all the way East\" or \"Provincial Electric school Station\" Get off, Subway 6th arrives \"Komu B exit\" or \"high pond Stone Station a exit\". After the car to navigate to the \"Guangdong Province, livestock and poultry quality Testing Center\" can go to the company door (the company with the subway or bus station walk about 10-15 minutes to the distance)